Inclusiveness Target Countries involved in NOTICE-COST
Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.

ITC Conference Grants
Any e-COST user who is a PhD student or an Early Career Investigator (ECI) and is affiliated with an institution located in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) participating in the action NOTICE - COST TD 1407, can submit an application request for an ITC Conference Grant. The applicant must be engaged in an official research programme as a PhD Student or postdoctoral fellow.
Deadline for applications: Permanent call. The application must be submitted at least 45 days before the conference start date.
***Important*** It should be acknowledged support from COST for the participation in the conference in the abstract submitted, as well as in the poster and oral presentation.
After the participation in the Conference
A Scientific Report have to be submitted at the latest 30 days after the end of the date of the conference.
Download here the Scientific Report Template.
For more information, see COST Vademecum-Section 8, and for applying the user guide.
ITC Conference Grants Coordinator: Natalia Ospina-Alvarez
ospina [at]